Syreeta C Fashion specializes in couturier services intentionally created to tell the story of the modern woman through unparalleled, tailored attention given to each distinctive wearer.
+ Integrity
+ Diversity
+ Passion
+ Body Positivity
+ Community
There's an intrigue in small parts and details coming together to create a whole, just as words come together to create a story. Each piece holds great importance because without it, the story would not be the same.
— Syreeta C
I have always admired the discipline of engineering. It is visible in my knack for quality construction, tailoring, and keen eye which are self-expressions of my passion for fashion--a love that drives me to create custom designs for clients.
Take the metaphor: The wearer as the messenger, and fashion as the medium. Fashion tells an individual's unique story--where you're from, where you're going, your culture, your ideals. It has the ability to break barriers and communicate more accurately than the most colorful of words. I love being the translator for my custom clientele.